Hi Gals! It's just a few days into the soccer season, a few days away from the
Miss Scepter Pageant and my crop is this weekend ...haha..So it would seem that
my plate is more than overfilled, but I've been creating every minute in between!
So I thought I'd show you some of the page kits that will be premiering this weekend
at crop :)) Those of you that can't come can hold yours by email if you wish -
quantities are limited, so let me know if you want me to hold one for you!
75 degrees and Sunny and I'm feelin good..LOL !
Enjoy! ~ ANgel
Tubin' - $8 |
Sunshine - $12 |
Summer Wishes - prestamped - $12 |
Magnifique - $6 |
Card Kit Class - $6 |
Sophia WOTG Kit -- see my website ! |
Merry&Bright - $10 **(does not include dimensional ornaments chipboard - all
other embellishments are included w patterned paper ornaments in kit) |
Mistletoe - $10 |
Birthday - $8 |
Love - $12 |
Little Man - $8 |
Fun - $8 |
Put a Love layout up for me! Sherry